
David K

26 April 2017

David has lost almost 2 stones in weight in six months since starting a weight management course with Up and Active - and that's not the only benefit he's found.

David K from Burnley was encouraged to contact the Up and Active team by his GP to help manage his stress and anxiety levels. David also wanted to lose weight and get fitter. 

David was determined to commit to making positive changes whilst attending the programme; he attended a weekly weight management weigh-in and health education topic on diet and healthy eating. 

Before starting the programme, David was classed as being inactive; he had never used a gym before so the whole experience was new to him. David remembers his first few weeks in the gym were very challenging.  He struggled to manage 10 minutes on any of the cardiovascular equipment on the first week of the programme, but  attends the gym 3 times a week and has gradually increased his fitness levels, and exercises 60 - 90 minutes on each session. 

David is currently on medication to control high blood pressure and high cholesterol and is waiting for a review appointment to see his practice nurse.

David has found that losing weight and getting more active has made him feel better overall, happier, with increased mobility and fitness, and able to do much more than he could before joining Up & Active.  He also feels less stressed and anxious!  David reports he was struggling with joint problems before starting  the programme, especially pain in his ankles, and is now pain free.

Lack of willpower was one of David’s main challenges.  He comments he is so pleased that with motivational support he has managed to make massive changes to his diet, which has been achieved by gradually making small changes to his portion sizes and cutting out high fat and sugary foods, i.e.  biscuits, cakes and crisps. 

David has now encouraged his wife and daughter to become more active; they have signed up on a joint membership at the St Peter’s Centre and swim together at least twice a week.