
Donna - Burnley

27 July 2018

Donna lost weight and got active with the help of Up and Active.  Here she writes about her experience. 

I started Up and Active because I wanted to lose weight.  The last time I had exercised before joining the programme was 2 years before; I was in a rut and decided I had to do something about it as I was overweight and suffering from anxiety and stress. 

I chose to use the gym and swimming as my activities while attending the 12 week Up and Active programme, I have enjoyed them so much that I have continued using the gym and swimming.

I have achieved my goal and lost 4 kilos in weight and can now wear attractive clothing, which makes me feel good about myself.  I walk more briskly, I feel stronger, I can run and am less breathless due to exercising each week. I also feel more positive and less fearful of trying new activities.

Pleasingly my friends have noticed that I have lost weight.  I would recommend Up and Active to others and am encouraging a friend to join the programme.  I went to an alternative sports centre at the end of the 12 week programme due to a cheap offer, which turned out to be a mistake as the facilities and the staff were inferior to those at the St Peter’s Centre.  I have returned to St Peter's to take out a membership with Up and Active.